Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Sadly, it seems the legends and true innovators are dropping much faster than our poor little country can create new ones.

Today, Lux Interior of the Cramps died- one of the greatest suggestive song writing front men of all time, not to mention an outspoken and knowledgeable advocate of many things I hold near and dear- solid old rock n' roll, weird records, b-movies and horror monsters.

Alarmingly, he was 61, which is the same age as my parents. Even more alarmingly, he was also my parents age back when I saw the Cramps as an impressionable youth. I only wish I'd had an opportunity to see 'em again.

By that time, I'd seen Slayer, Gwar, Napalm Death, and Cannibal Corpse. But I'd yet to find a crowd or suggestive stage presence quite as excitingly upsetting as Lux Interior's shirtless gyrations and microphone deep throating. And that was still several years before I'd seen their notorious insane asylum concert video.

For the Cramps, it was just another night and another show. And I'm sure anyone who's ever seen the Cramps would tell a story identical mine.

So may he rest in peace. Let's hope his spirit is somewhere haunting a nice Christian family as we speak, and enjoying every second of it.

Just to sew things up, in the spirit of monsters and a love of 1960's kitsch cheesiness, here's a mostly unentertaining story about a wacky 1960's drag racing monster going to buy a car. I thought it was funny at the time. Most people didn't.

If only I had a nice comic about "Cornfed Dames."

Maybe later.


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