Saturday, April 04, 2009


I spotted a cell phone store that was offering free shirts and hats with the company's logo emblazoned across the front to people that open new accounts.

Is this really an incentive to anybody to get a new cell phone? "Wow- I just love that company's logo! I want a baseball jacket with that embroidered on the back!"

Admittedly, this isn't much worse than insurance companies, investment firms, or plumbing fixture manufacturers that do the same thing. Maybe it's time to come up with some other way for these places that deal in unspeakably boring goods and services to get their name out there? 'Cause fashion just doesn't seem like a smooth fit to me.


Anonymous consumatron said...

One of the things I hate worse than doing the dishes is shopping for clothes, so I have this tendency to wear almost any t-shirt sent to me by any company short of Baby-Grinder (tm). Fortunately, I live in Chicago and always dress in layers, so no one knows who my corporate overlords are most of the time.

5:44 PM  

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