Monday, March 23, 2009


The Vienna Beef factory is having a sidewalk sale. In a tent. In early March 30 degree-temperatures.

Aren't hot dogs essentially the 'factory seconds' of the slaughter house?

There's something truly sad seeing that tent set up in an empty parking lot. 4th of July cookouts seem a long god damn ways off...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would I go all the way to the factory for close-out hot dogs when I could just go to the 7-11 down the street and get the same thing.

Also, this is a panel from 3/09? Stop living in the past, hippie!

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the thing about having a cache of work. I'm a jerk. You still listened to my stupid complaint. About the two week past date.

That rhymed.


6:44 PM  

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